Regulator Avady Star 20 PH Automatic...
Regulator Avady Star 20 PH Automatic Regulation.Regulator Star 20 pH Avady.
French manufacturer of equipment for the treatment of water for swimming pools and spas.
Since 2011, AVADY POOL has been designing, developing and assembling water treatment equipment for private and public swimming pools and spas, providing practical, responsible, unique and innovative solutions to all market players.
"At Avady, we design products that meet the needs and desires of individuals and professionals, based on solid experience.
We design equipment to simplify the daily life of pool users and installers, while ensuring that the environmental impact is as neutral as possible."
Regulator Avady Star 20 PH Automatic Regulation.Regulator Star 20 pH Avady.
Autonomous pH liquid AVADY Star PH regulator.Stand-alone liquid ph controller AVADY Star PH.
Avady Starlyse 20 redox regulator for electrolyser.The AVADY StarLyse 20 chlorine production regulator is the ideal device to complement your swimming pool chlorine chlorine. Suitable for private pools from 10 to 60 m3.
Regulator Avady Star 20 RX Automatic Regulation.This AVADY-branded dose pump regulates your pool's chlorine proportionally.
Chlorine liquid Redox Star AVADY autonomous regulator.Independent regulator of liquid chlorine AVADY Star Redox.
Avady Duo PH-RX regulation regulator automatic.This dosing pump brand AVADY, simultaneously regulates the pH- or pH + and chlorine (mV) Suitable for private pools from 10 to 60 m3..